Road Signs on driving test tip

This is a very important car test tip because it could be the difference between passing the driving test or not. You need to take note of road signs while you are driving and on assessment with the DSA examiner.

This is not just speed limits, but bus lane information signs, directions, lane designations etc. I have mentioned before that you need to get into the habit of doing things the way the DSA examiner expects, and many learner drivers don't take notice of the road signs erected to guide them.

You also need to be aware of road markings as well, 'SLOW' is painted on roads for a reason, a few 20MPH streets also have the limits painted on the road only on entering the zone and there are no repeater signs to remind you.

So while out practising either with your instructor or supervising driver start noticing and obeying the highway signs, and if you have a need for glasses then put them on or go see an optician, as it is illegal and a criminal offence to drive with un-corrected eyesight.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:10 am

    Yes You need to take note of road signs while you are driving the car when you new to it, so the website is superb as it shows excellent driving tips and also the good Video, so the Guys who want to go for driving School they need to read like this Blogs............




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