DSA Driving Test Late Cancellation & Compensation

If you turn up for a Driving Test and are informed that the test has been cancelled due to unavailability of a DSA examiner, did you know that you could claim up to 2 hours of vehicle hire expenses (based on your driving instructors hourly lesson rate) and up to a half day's wages if you had to take unpaid leave to attend the driving test?

While there is no statutory requirement for the DSA to reimburse learner driver's out of pocket expenses, they do refund the expenses mentioned above if a driving test has been cancelled at short notice for reasons other than bad weather.

The most common reason the DSA cancels a test is examiner sickness, but you can also claim for examiner strikes as well.

The above DSA driving test cancelation compensation policy does not apply to tests cancelled if the pupil is more than 5 minutes late for an appointment, or if the test is terminated due to defects on a private car (or instructors) presented for the driving examination. Check your tyres, road tax, brake lights and headlights (especially in winter).

Check with the DSA staff at the time of cancellation for policy, the compensation form is available to download from the DSA website.

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