Let me quickly clarify an issue and immediately say that on the DVSA practical car assessment, there are no such things as minor or major errors, there are only driver errors as far as the DSA examiner is concerned, and these will either be classified as just an error (with a maximum of 15 allowed before the candidate fails) or it could be marked as serious/dangerous (failure).
To be sure of what is being marked by the examiner get a copy of the official dsa guide to the test especially if you were taught to drive by family/friends or you are a foreign driving licence owner about to take their first UK practical car test.
To pass the UK driving test, you are currently (2017) only allowed 15 driver errors, and none of these can be serious or dangerous driver errors. The less mistakes you are making in your lessons as you approach your driving test appointment date, the greater the chances of passing unless you are one of those affected by bad test nerves where things go rapidly downhill once the examiner gets in the car!
If you are taking your driving test at Hendon or Mill Hill, you need to watch the video below for important information that could save you from failing!
Before I go into what is a serious or dangerous driver error, let me say that the best preparation and attitude to have if you really want to pass the driving test, is to go the driving test centre with the intention, knowledge and confidence that I will not be committing any major or minor driver errors during the test. If you know you have what you think is a slight problem (for example you tend to go wide on the left reverse round the corner), this could be your potential stumbling block, and you are relying on luck (hoping not to get that exercise) rather than skill to pass the driving test. It would be in your best interest if you get your instructor to deal with this lack of skill or find someone else who can (that is what we get paid for, and not to blame you the pupil, we MUST be able to find a way of passing our knowledge to you the learner).
Any 'minor' driver error has a potential of becoming a serious or dangerous error depending on circumstances, so don't think that you can't fail because it is a little fault. Don't get me wrong you probably will make mistakes during the driving test, but you must be confident that you have dealt with all the re-occurring problems that you are aware of. What is the point of presenting yourself for the test if you are constantly making the same mistake during the reverse parallel parking exercise, hoping that you don't get it during the test or that it will only be marked as a minor on the DL25 report sheet?
Take the example of a simple issue of not putting on the handbrake while waiting in traffic. That would not be a driver error if your car remains stationary, or doesn't get too close to the vehicle in front or enter a junction. However if the car behind you accidentally bumps you, and your car surges forward a bit without hitting the car in front of you (because you had stopped far enough behind using tyres and tarmac rule), your little mistake is now a serious error due to what you would say is no fault of yours, and you will fail the test. Even if your car does not surge forward when bumped, you are certain to fail the test because your car was not secured when stationary.
Using the same example of the handbrake, if a pedestrian was to walk in front of your car while you were stopped in traffic, with the handbrake off, you COULD fail the test if you car rolled, because that minor error is now a dangerous error, since the pedestrian was at risk while walking in front of your car, especially if the vehicle was creaking with the biting point very high. As you could see, you have failed the test by making a little mistake which went from being just a driver error to a test failing error in one moment, and the change of circumstances were not caused by you! Many would say that was bad luck, but the truth of the matter was that you made the mistake that ultimately failed you, irrespective of what happened outside the car. If you had the handbrake on those two external factors would not have changed the outcome of the test at that moment! Use your driving lessons whether they be with an ADI or family member to practice the right habits, and treat each training session as if it were the last one before a test, and don't do anything that could fail you if it were the dsa examiner sitting next to you.
Don't blame the examiner for being harsh or not using his/her discretion to let you off on that occasion, drive to the standard expected and leave no room for any doubt. While it would be a bonus to pass with zero minors, as long as you don't have any major, serious or dangerous errors staying with the 15 allowed shouldn't be a problem to anyone who has taken enough tuition and practise.
Mill Hill Driving Test Help
If you are taking your driving test at Mill Hill test centre, you might be interested in the video below, especially if you are not local to the area, as it covers the hardest route in use by the DSA examiners where you have to deal with the dreaded Apex Corner multi-lane roundabout during independent driving as well as the 70mph A1, turning right at sterling corner as well as some other tricky locations. The video has full commentary to point out the failing areas.

Download Video for £3.99
Hendon Driving Test Routes Video 2015

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Borehamwood Test Route Video
Providing useful tips and advice of the common places where candidates fail in Borehamwood, updated in 2015.
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Q: How many major mistakes or errors are allowed on the driving test?
A: As I mentioned in the article, any fault that is classified as serious or dangerous will result in failing the driving test, so the answer is none! Note there have been candidates who have failed for making just the one serious driver error (no minors as you would put it), which is very sad considering that the other 40 minutes where perfect, but that is the DSA rules for you, so don't let your guard down.
Q: How many minor errors equals a major or serious fault?
A: If you get more than 3 driver faults in the same category/section the driving examiner can give you a serious which automatically means a fail, but I have seen 4 markings in a section not being classified as serious. I would advice if you have a weakness in a particular area, then get it remedied before the day of your test, as your chances of failing are higher the more you commit the same driver error during the 40 minutes of practical car assessment.
I stalled 5 times on Driving test and Passed!!
Subscribe to my YouTube Driving Test Video Tips channel and you SHOULD follow me on twitter here!
Hi, can i ask a question, i failed my test today for the reason that i got too close to the parked cars, even though i was driving at 25 miles speed.
ReplyDeletecan anyone tell me if this is a major or a minor?
25mph is fast if you are driving close to parked vehicles on a narrow road. I normally say less space, less pace.
ReplyDeleteIf you were failed, then it is a serious error.
Thanks driving instructor,
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't a narrow road, the examiner said i should have gone in the middle of the road as there were no cars coming opposite me, but the way i saw the situation was that i was driving in my lane as you would normaly when there are cars driving opposite, therefore i couldn'y have been thats close and she didn't have to physically or verbally tell/show me at that time..
Driving at 25mph is lower than 30mph and the speed limit was 30, so i was below the limit..
Somehow i think that was a stupid fail, with only 9 errors, very dissapointing, i wish i can go and ask them to reconsider..
really sad, as it was my 3rd time:(
I failed for the third time today: 1 'minor' and one 'serious'. The 'serious' happened 3 mins into the test. Sat at red lights, hazard drill applied correctly. Lights changed, I moved a split second too early as the lights were on red/amber...as I passed over the white line they were green. No cars were taking a right (across my path) and there were no pedestrains. As I say, this was about 3 minutes in: I was nervous having failed twice before but the rest of my driving was obviously up to standard. Is there no common sense applied? It seems as soon as they mark anything on the sheet it is set in stone, totally disregarding what happened in the following 30+ minutes of driving (which with only 1 'minor' must have been good! I seriously thought I had passed and feel angry that when I challenged the examiner I was met with an immovable brick wall. I feel cheated, feel though there's no-one to complain to or try to reason with and have lost faith in the system: it seems to be a question of luck these days when trying to pass and if your luck isn't in, you just keep paying the DVLA another £50+ for the privellige of someone telling you you're a failure and that you aren't safe on the roads (have you seen the lunatics out there!!!!?)
ReplyDeleteHi, I can totally agree with you, it feel terrible and the money spend gone to waste. Thats exactly how i feel, i want to talk to someone as i know i wasn't too close to the parked cars, as i was driving in my lane, even my instructor asked me, if i felt that i was driving too close, and i said no because i really did not think that and the examiner didnt tell me verbally or physically show me that i was too close..
ReplyDeleteI really think it is a rip of and they take us for a mog.
ye i agree too, it really is starting to take the piss how nit picking it can be. And if u look at anyone who has passed their test they neglect many of the rules that can cause you to fail ur test constantly! I reckon just the examiner should get an overall feeling that u are competent enough to drive on the roads alone and possibly a re-examination every 5 years or so, rather than this learning to pass a test, learn to drive!!!
ReplyDeleteIt must be frustrating when you know you are a good driver, but i guess if it's harder to obtain people may think twice about driving wrectlossly and loosing their license,
ReplyDeleteor that's there thinking anyhoo, like having a limit of 6 points for the first two years isn't hard enough -have you seen how many friggin speed camera's police vans and cocky officers their are :P
all the best all keep practacing and i'll see you on the road when i eventually pass :P
i failed today, with 10 faults, none of which i can see are serious...even my instructor said it was unfair! argh :@ There's £100 odd for nothing!
ReplyDeleteI failed my test today and find it strange i was a good 25mins into the test with no minors i had done reverse parking and turning in the road fine i got a sneek peek wilst not moving at the sheet lATER the examiner told me to clear my rear windscreen i looked through the mirror to make shure water was coming out as the rear normally takes a little longer as the water has to get to the back of the car and the pump is a t the front the next thing i know i had missed a major road sign and got a instant fail i was more worried about visability and thought i would get a bad mark if i didnt act on his words but no he did it on purpose to take my attention away from the sign are they suppose to trick people like this??
ReplyDeletei didnt even get an eye sight test?? i thought this was a MUST before you even get into the car??
ReplyDeleteHey, Can I ask a question por favor =)
ReplyDeleteIf you don't do the handbrake while the pedestrian people are crossing and you don't run them over either, is that a fail?
WOW, wait a minute I FAILED because I didnt have the handrbake up while waiting at the traffic lights?! My examiner said it was a serious mistake. And I only made 15 not 16 minor mistakes,what the...anyway got my test again soon will be sure to have it up at every traffic light.
ReplyDeletehi, i failed my test a couple of days ago. i got a serious major for not indiacting right around a roundabout. when my examiner told me at the end of the test i had failed due to not indicating right, he said he knew it was a one off as i had indicated at all the other roundaboutds. other than this mistake i only got three minors. i also looked at my last test that i failed as well and i got a minor for not indicating. i was just wondering whether not indiacting is a major or a minor and if i was failed unfairly?
ReplyDeleteNot knowing the full circumstances on the test, I can't comment on your case.
ReplyDeleteWhat I can say is that not indicating at a roundabout means other road users will not know where you are going.
How many times have you been at a roundabout and can't go into it because other cars don't indicate properly either when exiting or going round to the other exits?
Any fault that affects other road users is a serious driving error
i failed my test on the 11th driving to fast on a 30 mph road witch was my fault. Also on a 50 mph road the examiner said i was to close to the other car but it was two car lengths. He told me to apply the two se atleast cond rule witch would be to car lengths what more space do you need, but i do understand in an emergency stop it would be hard to stop so i failed with 2 majors. The examiner was okay he did credit my driving and my instructor but that doesn't really do anything for me. Anyway it was my first time and it was easy all i can say is be confident and you will pass.
ReplyDeletePoint of correction, 2 sec rule applied at 50mph is more than 2 car lengths. Read up on how to apply the 2 sec rule to give you a safe gap when driving at speeds greater than 40mph.
ReplyDeleteYou are all wasting your time. I just think whether you pass or fail is at the discretion of the examiner. Nowadays the distinction between major and minor is very blurred. DSA could do justice by outlining clearly which is which.
ReplyDeleteI am going for my first (and hopefully last) driving test next month and I am really nervous because of how strict the examiners are, has anyone got any tips? I suppose it is a good thing that the examiners are strict otherwise people might become less cautious on the road and may cause an accident when the are in their own car.
ReplyDeleteI'm from the UK but studying in the Netherlands and I've taken my driving test and lessons here. There is no such thing as a provisional license here so you are not allowed to drive on the road at all (apart from lessons) without a license. The rules are a lot stricter than in the UK, for example you are not allowed to make any, yes ANY mistakes during the driving test, the route is different each time you take the test and you can be asked to drive only with the direction of a Sat-Nav, and even if you make no mistakes you can still be failed at the examiner's discretion should he or she feel that you weren't confident enough or some other very silly reason (this happened to me three times!). It took me six times to pass at a cost of €210 a time and more than 40 driving lessons at €45 each. You guys have it good so don't complain so much. The bottom line is that driving licensing is a complete money scam especially here in the Netherlands where everything is in the hands of one organisation and there is also no provision for complaint. Drivers on the roads here are no safer than anywhere else in the world.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. I've failed my test 4 times, and the most annoying thing is that I am completely capable of driving. To be completely honest, you get a serious or dangerous if you're driving makes another driver react in ANY way. I recently failed because I supposedly caused an oncoming bus to brake as I pulled out at a junction, but that bus didn't need to break as there was plenty of room for it to go past, and there were parked cars on my side and I was no wider than them so proving that my driving wasn't actually at fault. This was a 'serious' fault, and in what way is that serious? I wasn't like I was going to collide with the bus. My instructor even said to me that if I had waited for the bus to pass, and had taken my test at another test centre which she's more used to, I would have failed for not being a 'progressive driver'. Clearly showing that the DSA needs to ammend how to judge between faults. And my instructor said to me that she's sat in on some tests where the person lane straddled on every roundabout and hit a curb and still passed! In all my tests i got one serious and like 3 minors. On my second I failed because I hesitated, and third because I pulled out at a junction and caused a car (that was at least 10 car lengths distance from the junction)to slow down because they were speeding. It's ridiculous, surely they should judge you based on how you drove overall, instead of nit picking every little thing you do (which basically shows that they're looking for perfection). None of my serious faults were anywhere near causing a dangerous or fatal situation. And if you judge an action because it COULD potentially cause a situation, then they shouldn't advise you to walk because you COULD potentially slip and crack your skill and bleed to death. Everything we do involves some risk, but if we were to act to prevent anything bad from happening we wouldn't be able to do anything.
ReplyDeleteHi guys
ReplyDeletejust wanted to ask something about my driving test the otherday! This was my 2nd, but it never even got underway!! As we prepared to sett off, the examiner pointed out my Airbag light was on!!! I couldnt beleive it! and was not wen I left the car 3 mins before! He didnt even give me 10seconds, just said "he had to terminate the test" and left. I foned citroen while still in car park less than 2 mins later, and they had told me to clip a cable back together under passengers seat!! done, light went off. Turns out he had unclipped it wen he moved the seat right back!! he had long legs!!! How much bad luck was that!! It says on DSA guideline, 5 mins would be given to rectify any faults?? Thanks for your help. Iam just so gutted and lost about this one!
You are allowed 5 minutes to fix any faults on the car, was this a private car? The issue would be proving that the fault was rectified within that time if it is just a case of your words against the examiners.
ReplyDeleteThe examiner probably walked away because he thought the problem already existed and needed to be fixed at a garage.
If you can get an independent witness to back you up with the fact that you were not given a chance to fix it the fault, then you might be able to get a free re-test.
Thanks, I had a friend with me.. Did not come on test, but was withing visual range. I also went into police station before and after, where he was waiting, both within 5 mins, so I guess the police receptionist could be asked to be a witness also.(testcentre was right next to it, or test portocabin that is!! I was also not given any failure doccuments etc, basically away empty handed, is this correct? I beleieve I should have got my copy of the test sheet, which I had signed?? Thanks for your help.
ReplyDeleteI failed my test for the third time today. The only reason the examiner gave me at the end of the test was that I didn't start to slow down early enough on the approach to a junction. Thoughout the test I stuck religiously to the speed limits and I ALWAYS break in good time to prevent coming to a stop with a neck breaking jolt, so I know that I was safely approaching the junction. Looking at all the lunatics on the road these days I am knocked sick by this, and needless to mention the amount of money I have wasted!!
ReplyDeleteIt is unfair to suggest 'gaining the opinion of someone else to back you up' when from the minute you leave the test centre building, it is just you and the examiner - like one of the incidents above where an examiner knocked the air bag clip off and immediately left - how were they to get someone to back them up ON THEIR OWN?
I have booked another test and shall make sure I begin to break about a mile before any junction (sarcasm intended) and just hope that I don't fail again for something daft like the examiner dislikes my shoes!
Hi, Can you fail your driving test because you had to slow down on a slip road because there was a car in the left lane of the dual carrageway and if i had maintained my speed i would have colided with the other driver? i failed with 4 faults and 1 major being the above mentioned one and was told "The slip road is called a slip raod for a reason, you just slip in to traffic"
ReplyDeleteNot being there, I can't comment on your case. I have sat in on many driving tests, and know that you won't be failed for slowing down or stopping on a dual carriageway slip road if it is not safe to emerge.
ReplyDeleteIf there is a safe gap, them you should 'slip' into traffic, but sometimes you can't see if it is safe to do so, or be able to know what speed the traffic is travelling at, so caution is required.
I have my driving test coming up next month, and I am already nervous about it. Its my first test, and obviously it would be lovely to pass first time!
ReplyDeleteI have heard that it is possible to have your driving instructor in the car with you when you take the test, is this wise? just thought that it might make the examiner less likely to fail you on really random things! Or whether it would actually make you look really nervous? It would just be nice to have him there to tell me exactly what I do wrong!?
I had my test today and passed with only 3 faults =D my advice to anyone who hasn't done their test yet is to treat it as any other lesson, just with someone different telling you where to go, don't think too much to make a big deal out of it because this will just make you nervous. Oh and I had my instructor with me and it helped because if I had failed (and I thought I had) then she would know exactly where I went wrong and be able to help. Good luck people =]
ReplyDeleteHi i had my driving test today (04/08/2010), i passed with two minor faults. Actually i thought i would fail coz when i turned into a road from a very narrow junction my back wheel touched the kerd...i got away with it as a minor fault..though i thought he would fail me ...i just continued to do my best...and i passed....so dont worry too much about your mistakes and continue with your test doing the best you can...all the best...
ReplyDeleteHi i passed my test today with just 2 minor faults....the main reason for me to post this comment is that at one point i thought i failed the test......i was supposed to turn into a road from a very very narrow junction i did everything well but my back wheel touched the kerb as i moved away ....i thought i failed...but continued to do my best.....and passed as it was considered as a minor fault....so people dont worry about the mistakes you make they might not be a serious faults...but if you think they are...you might make a serious mistake and fail....Keep doing your best...and you will pass...all the best.
ReplyDeleteWell I passed my test on monday, 2nd time trying. First time failed with 1 serious, got to close to a parked van and the examiner had to nudge the wheel. That was a bout 2 mins from the end. Last monday passed with 5 minors.
ReplyDeletei think the dsa make the rules up as they go along, 9 times out of 10 they no if there going to pass or fail you before u get in the car, i did my test the other day and failed i got 1 MINOR! and i got 1 serious. the serious was because i didnt look left going out the test center or so he says i had my insturctor present and he said i did look and i should not of been marked for a serious fault when i didnt do it, so as soon as i pulled out i basicly failed so if thats the case what was the point of making me carry on driving for 35 min's doing a perfect drive manovers the lot if he already new i was going to fail, the bloke was a jobsworth and i put in a formal complaint , it felt like 120 pound just set fire to, 60 for the car and 62 for the test to fail because some old boy didnt get his leg over the night before. and to top it all off i cant get another test for 5 MONTHS! because there fully booked for who ever takes there test in the near future i wish u good luck
ReplyDeletecan plz the driving instructor say something about my question above iam still waiting!my question is about the bus lane.
ReplyDeleteHi all .. Just wanted to give you some hope!
ReplyDeleteI just passed my test 3 days ago with 7 minors. I thought i did terribly on my test and was so suprised that I passed! I stalled twice at a set of traffic lights, forgot to indicate right at a junction, and when turning right on a roundabout i didnt indicate right when entering the roundabout and forgot to indicate left when i was exiting. I was over the speed limit a couple of times (not by much)and still managed to pass.
Confidence is key! Even though i made those mistakes, i handled them well and i guess the examiner saw that. Plus, it helps that I didnt have to do any manouvers on the test, i only had to bay park back at the test center.
You can do it people! Confidence!
Hi, I failed my test yesterday. We were two minutes approx. from finishing the test and I had only 3 minors. Then we were driving down a one way street which was lined with parked cars either side so I had to drive down the centre of the road. We got to the end of the road and I was asked to turn right and stupidly got into the left hand lane out of habit. I felt that yes of course this is a driver error, but is it enough to constitute me failing my test when I only had 3 minors? Nobody was affected by my mistake or put in any danger and I carried out the turn perfectly, I was simply in the wrong lane. I have had the same examiner 3 times now and I feel each time he has failed me unfairly. Do I have any grounds to complain? I was also wondering if it is possible to request not to have a particular examiner as he makes the whole experience unbearably tense and uncomfortable. I would be very grateful for some feedback, thanks. :)
ReplyDeleteLauren, unfortunately you don't have any grounds to appeal because you are basicallly challenging the decision the examiner made, and that can't be changed.
ReplyDeleteWhether it should have been marked as a serious fault, I can't say as I wasn't there but remember a serious fault is marked for an error that could potentially have affected other road users, so just because it didn't doesn't mean it was not serious.
You have no choice over which examiner you get, but if you feel that particular examiner's conduct was inappropriate during a test, then you will have to make an official complaint, and then you might get his boss or someone else, but it is not guaranteed. I know you might not believe this, but the examiner might not even remember you from your previous tests, and even if he did, he/she can only go by what you do on the day, not previous tests.
I hope you don't give up, and have another attempt.
I think the examiners are only interested in making money than anything else, I failed my test today for going in a pot hole cars were coming the over way i didnt lose control of steering didnt swerve or nothing! the examiner was just a total w****r plus i got 5 minors I deserved to pass as I could understand if i swerved out into the middle of the road but I didnt well second test booked now for January if I fail that one I wont bother again as I know im ready and I can drive better than the idiots on the roads nowadays!
ReplyDelete& the foreigners that cant drive to save there friggin! lifes!
cant belive it today i failed my test for the second time i got 5 minors failed me on reverse parking and yet my head waz all over the place not touching the curb he didnt look intrested and thats why i think it waz my turn to fail its a scam
ReplyDeleteHad my first test recently and was failed with 5 minors and one serious. I should have given way to an oncoming car on a 30m/hr roaad but my judgement was clear that the car was far and indeed it was. The only problem is that the other car was doing approx twice the speed limit so he had to break and I failed for that. I feel so bad because I am a good, capable and safe driver. If she had considered my overall driving I would have passed. Its such a shame that a so called developed country can still have serious flaws and incompetence in the handling of drivers licencing. Everyone makes mitakes on the road and I just wonder why they demand to be close to 100% perfection. You may be excellent on the road but other road users bad driving will mess you up and sadly that is not even considered.
ReplyDeleteI failed my test today because the examiner said that I was driving too close to parked cars and too fast and gave me 4 minors for that although i was observing the speed limit. This is my second time and the first time the examiner did not find any fault on that criteria. I agree it is a rip off.
ReplyDeleteI just failed my test for the second time yesterday. The first time, I had just 3 minor errors and one serious. The second time, I had 4 minors and 2 serious. On both occasions, I feel that I was unfairly judged. I have been driving for over 10 years in another country and consider myself of be a really good driver. But dont the guys at DSA realise that 3-4 minors indicate a generally good driving level? I believe that they should do away with this 'serious error' nonsense and judge the whole test as a whole. Also, its a waste of over £100 for every test that you take knowing full well that you might be a good driver but one one lucky instance or incident can spoil 39.5 minutes of a good test.
ReplyDeletei failed today with 3 serious an only 2 minors gutted ,my 3 serious have annoyed me big time i feel i deserved to fail on 0ne as the speed limit was 30mph and stupiedly fowlled other carsdriving 40mph(u no them ones that are safe to drive) so i agree thats my own fault but my other two one was i gave way to a bus as cars were parked on each side and the examiner said i was puled up to close and pulled my steering wheel (im sorry but its a FACT a passenger view to the front of ur car is diffrent from a drivers i was no were near it) 2 and most annoying i was on the independent drive folling city centre traffic was busy on a two lane road they both went same way but i stuck to the left as ive been taught,he then said end of independent drive soon u will see a set of traffic lights turn left here ,ok i carry on a van with a tralior who was in the right hand lane obviously was going same way as me and indicated so i let him a across ,he was going 20mph if that so cars behind me was getting pretty annoyed but i couldnt over take as the right lane was busy ,and i new he wanted me to turn off soon i failed because i dint leave enough distance i was no were near him,driving so slow i could walk faster and the car behind was right up my back side ,,,what really annoys me is when i see oh i went over the speed limit but passed cause i controlled it ,if they fail me for that then so should every one else its so annoying i am begining to think the myth (or so they say) they have so many there allowed to pass a week is true
ReplyDeleteThe DVLA want you to drive to their standard so you have to drive that way in the test to pass it. Most people don't drive that way once they've passed. Just look at all the idiots on the road! It's good safe driving that you are learning with your instructor, it's a shame people don't drive like that on the roads after they have passed the test. Perhaps people should be re-tested after say..8 years. What they don't teach you on the lessons is how to deal with idiots. As long as you practice safe driving and observe all the rules of the road you should pass, no problem. After you have passed you should do the Pass Plus, it helped me with confidence, especially on Motorways and dual carriageways. It's doesn't get you cheaper car insurance though! My dear dad always says, "It's not your driving it's other peoples you have to be wary of". Good Luck all, and Happy driving xx
ReplyDeleteI have my driving test tomorrow for the first time:( i would say i am a good driver but i let nerves get the better of me so i will probably end up doing something stupid! i just hope i pass:(
ReplyDeleteI am teaching my child to drive and the test is in three weeks. We seem to have covered everything. Most seems fine, but there's always some debate about signalling. If there are two lanes going to the right at a junction, for example, and we enter in the left hand of the two right-turn lanes, would you be expected to indicate right (even though the road is dedicated with right-hand arrows?). To me, this could be confusing as it is not clear if you intend to move to the lane to the right of you, or to continue in the same lane but turn to the right.
ReplyDeleteYou should always signal at a junction, even when there are 2 lanes as in your example. There should be no confusion, as most people expect learners to be in the left lane and will generally know that the signal is for the junction and not to change lanes (why would a learner what to move into the right lane anyway?).
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing..
In the example here (hope the google map URL appears properly - best way to indicat is to show the picture of the road), there are two lefts. The road joining has three lanes going leftwards. The right hand one will go across the road to the far lane heading leftwards, then bending under the bridge.
If you are in the right lane, and would thefore be moving to the right hand side of the lanes that you emerge on to, would you indicate left at the junction?
ReplyDeleteI took my test today
I failed because I drove 25 miles per hour in a 30 zone
I was doing this deliberately as I would think they would rather have you driving 5 miles under the speed limit than 5 miles over.
they look for something to fail you on to meet their quota,and yes, they do have quotas!(there is a good read about it in the mirror, look it up) and one of the most idiotic reasons to fail is the one for going too slow on a slow and narrow road,but you know what? they have been getting away with this bull crap for years and no one really challenged by taking it to the highest court so they still do it and get away with it,also remember, that even the most honest driving instructor is benefiting from your failure and he has very little incentive to challenge a failure,so its a win win situation for the examiner that needs to have a specific pass/fail ration,and the DVSA and your driving instructor,that get to suck more money out of you.
DeleteWas it safe to drive closer to the speed limit (wide road no oncoming traffic), if that was the case you were not making progress! Did your driving at 25mph affect others behind you (this would mean a serious also if there was no reason for being this slow).
ReplyDeleteHi all
ReplyDeleteI came on this site as my stepson-in-law has failed his test today as apparently he was in the left hand lane on a roundabout when going straight on. I don't have all the details yet but unless road markings state otherwise I always thought you should be in left hand lane!
I am a lady driver for 25 years so you can take what I write how you like but part of that was 2 years as a courier (occasionally in London) so hopefully I am qualified to make a comment.
The test is a lot harder to pass now than when I did it but if I can issue any advise for those of you angry at being failed....
If it is a serious error deep down you will know that, just have some more lessons to get it fixed.
Or if you feel it was minor re-book for your test again as soon as possible and make sure you get that part right next time (after all everyhting else was ok wasn't it)?
Driving isn't as "fun" as it used to be but it opens up a lot of avenues (jobs, freedom etc).
And for those moaning about £100 wasted, whilst I agree with you to some extent it costs a hell of a lot more to run a car, insure it etc (let alone buy it).
And yes to really learn how to drive, wait until you have passed (you will know what I mean)!
Anyway congrats to those who have passed and good luck to the rest of you xx
Took me 3 tries to pass my UK test;
ReplyDelete2nd time was the worst as i had to change my test centre (due to unavailability of the favourite one) and the examiner was a mess, made me reverse up a hill and round a corner onto a dodgy road and appeared not to see the parked car behind me which i had to manoeuvre around when he said "carry on". Next he kept commenting on my appearance (like "oh your earing looks like a pencil!" - i had a fake stretcher in which had nothing to do with my driving) and the worst which i still don't understand today; coming off a dual carriageway and straight onto a roundabout, the exit i needed had a bustop about 200 metres inside, albeit my fault, i thought the bus waiting there was about to leave so stayed in the bus lane (you could at that time) and 2 cars behind me were about to move into the right lane, i stopped behind the bus as i believe i didn't have time to (due to the cars behind me) move over, this is apparently a serious as i should have moved over.
3rd time lucky i changed my test centre back to my favourite one and had the same guy as the 2nd time!!!! i was in shock but this time the guy was a completely different person he was chatty and nice and very fair.... how do they expect fair tests when it all depends on the mood of the bloody examiners on the day!
i failed my test today with 4 minors and one serious.. The serious was at traffic lights turning right the filter light was on all the way but the examiner said that the filter light went off?
ReplyDeleteSame, I had 3 Minors and I failed because the filter light wasnt coming on so I waited and then I had to ask if it was working and she told me to move forward and turn right.
DeleteI failed my test today with 6 minors and 1 major (driving 40 in a 50 zone)I was told this was to slow and could cause a traffic problem, I thinks she it taking the piss ---- well my money anyway - this is the second time and its really naffing me off - I can’t believe they can do this and get away with it, even my instructor was surprised.What do you think.RP
ReplyDeleteKevin, unfortunately it is common for learner drivers to be failed for driving too slow, I have written about this in the past. failed test for being too slow.
DeleteYou need to make progress if it is safe to do so, it is most likely that the examiner thinks you did not see the change in speed sign, or you were holding up traffic un-necessarily.
This is correct. It always baffles me when instructors teach learners to go slowly. I always think to myself, you aren't going to pass doing that sis. And still they teach you it.. I guess they don't want you going too fast. But what's the difference between too fast or slow? nothing. Both a fail. :D.
Deletefailed the third time today....i do feel that a person with 2 or 3 minors and then a serious fault abt 2 mins before the test finish is all abt hvg to do with the examiners mood...its very demoralising in such cases and casting undue doubts on DSA's effectiveness in training such examiners who wud want to happily fail someone at the nick of a moment ....v sad but cant help it...
ReplyDeletebut Dee, thanks for ur encouraging post....felt good after reading it.
Hi everyone just been reading all your posts i had 9 minors and passed ,really did'nt think i would and it was my 1st time,suppose it depends on the examiner i knew i had done a couple of things wrong but i really think it was nerves the examiners should account for peoples nerves on the day,i think mine did.Good luck everyone.
ReplyDeleteI sat the test when the driving test points system was reduced to twelve, i came back with 13 minor faults, the government then changed the testing rules to the original 15 minor faults some time after i took my test.
ReplyDeleteDid they make any recomendations that drivers who failed under the more stringent test could appeal if they had scored so that they would have passed under the original and current scoring system.
i feel cheated.
Hi I took my first test yesterday and was turning left on a roundabout (1st exit) and because it was a hill the car started to go abit slower causing the van behind to go slower but he didn't need to do an emergency stop behind me or anything he just slowed down abit. I only got three minors but failed due to this? Is this correct as my instructor said it isn't.
ReplyDeleteNot being there, I'm unable to comment on the decision made, but you need to know that your driving MUST NOT affect other road users otherwise it could be considered a serious fault.
ReplyDeleteHi, Is the examiner allowed to change a minor fault to a serious at the end of the test while reviewing the sheet? Isn't it illegal to change the mark he's already written down? Please reply to this query.
ReplyDeleteHi, is the examiner allowed to change a minor fault to a serious at the end of the test while reviewing the sheet? Isn't it illegal to change the mark he's already written down? Please reply ASAP
ReplyDeleteMine did the exact same thing, really irritated me!
DeleteCan the examiner fail you for being in the right hand lane for a short distance (less than half a mile) if you are doing the appropriate speed. Therefore anyone trying to overtake is breaking the law? I do know right hand lane is for overtaking only but it was for such a short distance and i was doing the appropriate speed.
ReplyDeletefeedback kindly appreciated, aminath
The Highway code states that you should use the right lane for overtaking, and when done, move back into the left lane. If you travelled in the right lane for a considerable distance after overtaking, then you were not following the rules! Unfortunately examiners need to see you demonstrate that you can drive according to the highway code, irrespective of what other road users are doing.
ReplyDeleteDvla just making money so much people working for dvla and gov must carry on jobs lol and making more pointless jobs this is part of the game and making people stupid
ReplyDeleteI failed my test today, with 5 minors and 1 serious one! This was because my front wheel went over the centre line when I was turning right because there were parked cars on my left. At the end of the test, he asked my why I did it and because I couldn't remember what he was on about, he failed me. So annoyed as it was a one off!
ReplyDeleteWithout being there in the car, it will be hard for me to say whether you should have failed or not. If there are parked cars on the left, it is acceptable to cross the centre line, however you need to give on-coming cars priority, which means that you might have had to wait a few moments before crossing the centre line. Also it is possible that the examiner might have determined there was enough space and you did not need to cross the centre line.
DeleteLike I said not being there and knowing the circumstances I can't comment, as it could also have been the speed you approached the junction.
What section was the the serious fault marked?
The road was clear, and there were no on coming cars, I'd have understood his judgement if it had been busy and I was obstructing or causing danger to other road users. Possibly, but it was a narrow road to begin with. I approached the junction at an appropriate speed (10mph) before stopping to have a second check of the road. I honestly don't see it as a fair fault.
DeleteIt was marked under Junctions - turning right
I failed my test Today.
ReplyDelete1 majour was driving too close to 1 vehicle (minor for the rest). I had many cars coming past and cars following. I didn't feel I was that close to the vehicle and was going slow because of the traffic. If I had slowed down too much or stopped, I would have caused an accident with the car behind. I would find this a minor as I had no where to go. No words or actions from the examiner either. You come across this day to day and you will pick it up when your on the road more often and longs no one was in danger, it would be minor.
2nd majour was approaching a bend too fast and slightly went on the line when no cars were there and I braked when I realised I was going too fast. How they know I was suppose to know I was over the line when I was nearest the line I don't know. The rest of the corners were fine, and this 1 I never caused anything and she made no action on the vehicle. On a persons test on Youtube, they did this and came out with a MINOR, what's the difference :O.
My other minors was accidentally using throttle hard while changing gear so revved car up too high. Completely my fault.
Got a minor for moving off safety. A car was coming past me the other way while I was stationary and a bicycle came behind, stopped and went on the curb and dismantled. I kept an eye on her and she made no move at all so I pulled off again (otherwise I could of got a undue hesitation mark).
The 4th and last minor was at a crossing I couldn't see past a van, what I could see was clear so pulled out a bit like told, and braked when I saw it wasn't clear and could see more of the road.
Wasn't amused when they said I failed over these silly things.
I failed my test for the 2nd time yesterday and really do think that they fail you on a whim. My first test was done by a COMPLETE jobsworth. I only 5 minors and 1 "major"which involved a filter light and turning right lane. As i pulled into the lane to turn right the light went red so i stopped - no more than 3 sec later the other car's lights went green and they moved off - i was told i should have gone through the red in those 3 seconds?! Yesterday my first "major" was parking too far from the kerb on a parallel - which was unfair as he had already made me do my maneuver in the way of an emergency stop. About 3 mins after that and not long before the end of my test - i was approaching a zebra crossing at about 15mph - a man who originally was walking past the crossing suddenly changed his mind - i was no more than 1ft from the crossing and felt if i stopped i would have to have slammed my breaks on. he said this was a major despite the man not starting to cross yet?! Other than that i got 4 minors - he even said to me at the end that i was a terrific driver - just unlucky?! So another £100 it is then!!! not impressed.
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ReplyDeleteFailed today, 05/07/2016 for going 36mph on a 30mph road for literally a few seconds.. Is that fair or should I appeal against the decision? I had a few minors but generally my driving was good. I think the decision to fail me was harsh as it was literally a few seconds (3-5) before I applied the brakes to the correct speed..
ReplyDeletePlease someone reply to this as it annoyed me so much..
If you know you are on a driving test, I would expect you to be on your best behaviour. Breaking the speed limit or any other rule in the highway code would not likely be viewed positively by the examiner. Not being in the car, it is had to say if the decision was fair or not, but what I can say is that you don't have any grounds for appeal because you don't agree with the fail result. If you want to know when you can appeal a driving test result, read this Compalinig about test
Deletemy partner failed for driving in the wrong lane on a roundabout and a car was too close to his rear i have read and it doesnt seem to qualify as a fail, he stayed in the wrong lane until he left the roundabout and it wasnt his fault the car behind was too close to him
ReplyDeletemy partner failed his test for driving in the wrong lane on a roundabout, surely this cant class a serious as he did 3 other roundabouts perfectly and the one he failed was classed as a serious.
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DeleteBecause i didn't park in the right bay when we got back to the test center I asked which bay n he said a lined bay so I Parked perfectly in a lined bay n he failed me for not parking in a lined bay. But on the test sheet it's down as a fail to on my control while revising which there was nothing wrong with
ReplyDeleteI failed last week 2nd attempt with **twenty** faults inc 3 majors - far worse than my first test. Although I deserved to fail for being in wrong lane in a one-way, I'd say fewer than ten were actually justified, most were for control of the car, one was on a perfectly-executed 3-pt-turn, how ridiculous, all the comments above are justified about them doing WTF they like, I am not going to take any more tests as I can drive my partner's car on L-plates when she needs a rest, that was the only reason to learn.
ReplyDeleteI failed my 3rd test today and I'm totally annoyed, the other 2 times I failed I came away like 'yeah I messed up' but this time the serious I got seems totally arbitrary... basically I messed up a gear change and nearly stalled, I was on a straight road there no one behind me or anywhere for that matter, so I stopped and put it into first and carried on, that was a fail apparently. I wouldn't have stopped if there was someone behind me but as there wasn't I thought it would be prudent to stop and get myself in order. I feel freaking cheated during the test the examiner leant over to turn my indicator off after I got off a roundabout and the signal didn't immediately turn itself off which was very distracting and made me uncomfortable. This was again on a long straight road with no one around, I have had 2 tests with different instructors and they have been fine and fair and I respect the faults they gave me, this guy was very distracting and totally rude... and failed me for something that was totally arbitrary. Personally I don't think these instructors have a 'fail quota' but today's ordeal made me see why someone might think that. also I don't believe that examiners are 'professionals with no bias's' they are humans of course they do..
ReplyDeleteI have my driving test soon and in my local test centre they carry out the MOT and cars drive out very fast I from to of those leaving the stray centre and fail. What should I do when I leave the test centre to avoid this?
ReplyDeleteHello I failed my driving test today because I drove in the right hand land of a dual carriageway. The assessor said nobody could get past me even though I was doing the speed limit is this classed as a major ?
ReplyDeleteThe Highway Code says you should always drive on the left except when overtaking, so it could be a case of you using the right lane for too long even if you are at the speed limit.
DeleteHi all I failed my test 2 times I feel like I'm getting worse on the minors and majors first time had driving instutor with me 12 minors 2 majors over silly mistakes 2nd time no instructor got 10 minors 3 majors but then I think the examiner had a bad day as he was called in to do my test but then there is no point appealing this issue as it won't get me anywhere. I just feel now I will never pass I been driving everyday since my last failed test.
ReplyDeleteI failed my test today with only 2 minors and perfect driving but one serious fault that was completely unfair! On a very narrow road and sharp bend I was very slow but didnt stop as due to the bend I couldnt see the oncoming car and when i moved past the bend I could see oncoming car i safely stopped behind a car parked on the left because that was the safest thing to do! Exmainer failed me saying when I stopped I shouldve stopped far behind the car parked to my left! But why and how should have i possibly stopped much earlier when I had no view of the oncoming car uptill then? Also after giving way I indicated right amd very safely without touching the car proceeded forwards I was damn sure I had passed the test I didnt even view that action as a minor as that was something I was proud of doing, safely giving way at sharp bend! This is all a rip off honestly before this first attempt I used to think its people whining after failing but now I know its only a rip off!
ReplyDeleteI my son has just fail his driving test for breaking to hard on his emergency stop the car didnt skid or lose control???? Is this a fail/major
ReplyDeleteI failed my test for just one minor mistake that I change the line with give signal but examiner put this serious and fail me in test
ReplyDeleteMy daughter failed her test today she got 15 marks, 5 of that were mirror observation... I can't understand she's always looking in a mirror at home... Sad thing is the next available test is April